Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why the Pain?

Have you ever been in a situation (or watched someone else go through a situation) and you just wondered, "God, why is THIS happening?" I know I do all the time. The death of a child or a loved one who was just too young. The loss of your parent(s) or a child(ren) before it's "their time". Cancer. Alzheimers. Car and motorcycle accidents. Natural disasters. Countless other diseases that we have no control over. And sometimes you see a person take hit after hit after hit. It's like the saying "when it rains, it pours"! This question has been heavy on my heart for a few months but especially so in the last month. I have two very dear friends who are dealing with some tough stuff with their moms. One just found out her mom has breast cancer and started chemo today. The other found out her mom has about a year to live. Both will have to watch their first caregiver suffer. Although God is the only one who knows the final outcome, the pain is sure to be there. I also am a "blog stalker" and I read so many blogs about families who have lost a child. That is a pain that I don't think anyone should ever have to face, but God did. He sent His son to die a tremendously painful death so that we could live with Him FOREVER. This Sunday one of our guest pastors shed a little light on pain, suffering, faith and God. I was truly enlightened by what he said and I felt a tug on my heart to share it with all of my "blog stalkers". hahahaha

There are 5 reasons (supported by scripture) that God sends pain and suffering.

1. To help us produce more fruit. (John 15:1-2) Bascially he described it like pruning a plant. To get out your shears and cut and slice away at a plant could be painful. God is the gardener and sometimes he has to hack away at us so that we can produce the BEST fruit.
2. To discipline us. (Hebrews 12: 6-7) Just as parents do with their earthly children, God does with His.
3. To keep us humble. (2 Corinthians 12:7-8)
4. To spread the Gospel. (Acts 8:1) There is a blog I stalk, I mean follow, that is a family who lost their daughter at 20 months. I see this trait in her. Through her pain, suffering, anger, anguish and coping she has found a way to glorify God. I do not know her personally so I don't even know if she is intentional in her blogs, but her faith it truly inspiring. Through one of the most traumatic losses a person can experience, she rests in scripture, talks to God, shares His truths with so many, spreads the good news (that one day she will be reunited with her daughter), and gives Hope to the hopeless.
5. To reveal His power and GLORY! (John 11: 14-15 and 40) We serve a MIGHTY God. He loves me, he loves you and He is waiting to send His son back to this Earth so that all those who follow Him can have ETERNAL life!


  1. Love the post and love being your blog stalker:)

  2. Jenny,

    I meticoulously wrote notes on Ed's message as well. Very powerful, and put in a way I haven't really heard it stated before. So clear and easy to understand.

    We all need answers to our little questions of "Why?". I have emailed the message notes out to several people myself. So, I was so happy to see this on your blog.
