Thursday, January 23, 2014

39 weeks and a recap

We are nearing the finish line and this mommy cannot wait!  I will be honest, this has been a rough pregnancy. I spent the first 15 weeks struggling to keep food down (morning, noon and night). I also had crazy headaches and needed two naps a day. The second trimester brought lots of relief from the actual sickness but I was still pretty tired. When you have an active toddler you just keep trucking along. I was so glad that he started school this year. I have exercised the majority of my pregnancy (I think I only missed five weeks total: vacation, colds, exhaustion and slipped disk in my neck were the causes for those five weeks). I really think keeping at it in the gym helped me keep up with Isaiah. The third trimester brought about a whole new level of exhaustion and by early December I got a slipped disk in my neck. I spent a week in bed and began physical therapy. After three weeks of therapy my range of motion returned to my neck but I noticed weakness in my left hand shortly followed my numbness. I am exhausted!  The last 8 days have been filled with contractions and false alarms. All of this to say, I still have a smile on my face because every day is one day closer to meeting the newest member of our family. I can't wait to see who she looks like and get to know her personality. Come on baby girl!  Mommy is READY to hold you and snuggle you. 
False alarm. 
39 weeks. 
I have worked hard to eat healthy and guzzle my water. This week I am splurging!  Sorry doc!  

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