Friday, July 24, 2015

18 months

This little love bug is a year and a half!  I have to say, she is the sweetest. Her personality is so laid back and she 110% loves her big brother. He makes her laugh like no one else. 
They love to dance together. I hope she likes being a big sister as much as she likes being the little sister. 
Weight: 22 lbs 11 oz (25th percentile)
Length:  32.5 inches  (75th percentile)
What is she saying:  sister has a pretty big vocabulary (I would say around 50 words) and she has started putting short sentences together "I want sip", "zay-uh (Isaiah) outside", "I want you", "I want eat eat" and "mommy I poop". She also understands almost all directions I give her. 
Likes:  finally loves to swim (it took a while), almost all food (girlfriend is not picky and will eat her plate plus anything we leave on ours), bubbly baths, being outside, music, SHOES (seriously she takes them out and puts them on first thing in the morning), brushing teeth, snuggles, walks in the stroller and playing chase. 
Dislikes:  the doctor and being left in kid care at the gym or church
Sleeps: 8pm-9am (usually wakes up once but goes right back to sleep) naps from 2-4

Sweet Isabella, you bring so much joy to our family. 

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