Monday, September 23, 2013

2 year old wisdom

I keep saying that I need to write down all the cute, sweet, and funny things Isaiah says. Then the inevitable happens, I FORGET! So tonight I have come right to the computer to jot down our bedtime prayers. Isaiah: "Now lay me down to sleep. Pray Lord my soul to keep. Keep me safe tonight and wake me with the light. God is -mazing and great. Thank you for Owen and Hudson. Amen." Me: "Isaiah, you forgot to confess your sin. Do you remember getting in trouble today?" Isaiah: "Yea I got spanking." Me: "Why?" Isaiah: "I not listening the first time." Me: "That's right. You have to be obedient." Isaiah: "God I sorry I not obedient. Amen." Then we sang a song. As soon as we finished Isaiah added: "If I not obedient, God feed me to the whale like Jonah." bwahahahahaha Glad that story made an impression! (side note, we read it two weeks ago!) This kid warms my heart. In one moment I am near tears for his sweet prayers and the next I am on the verge of uncontrollable laughter because of how he interprets things! So blessed to be his mommy!

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