Monday, August 4, 2014

Six month stats

Weight: 17 lbs 11oz
Length: 27 inches
Eating:  you are drinking around 24 oz of formula a day and we have added so many new foods. Oatmeal, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, applesauce and bananas are what we have started with and you have done great with them all. You have also started practicing drinking water from a sippy cup. 
Likes:  being talked to and read to, standing up while holding my fingers, sitting up and playing with your toys, bath time
Dislikes:  tummy time
Sleeping:  daddy and into plan trip and were gone for a week cappy and Ebbie said you slept great and stuck to your schedule but when we got back you let us know you were not happy with our absence. Hahahaha. You would NOT let me put you down to sleep. We had a pretty rough ten day patch of you waking up every hour if you weren't being held. After ten days we had a little baby boot camp. You moved from your bassinet in our room to your crib in your room. The first night came with lots of tears but by night two you made great progress. By night three we were back on track. I feed you and put you down between 845 and 9pm. You sleep until 545 or 6, take a bottle and sleep until 9am. Rock star!  You are now doing 1-2 short naps in the morn/early afternoon and a 3 hour nap from 3-6pm. 
Things you are doing:  you just go with the flow and are so pleasant and content everywhere we go. You are sitting up very well by yourself now, picking things up and pulling them to your mouth, practicing with a sippy cup, rolling over both ways more frequently and taking interest in seeing how new toys work. 
*everywhere we go people comment on how pretty you are and how happy you are. 

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