Tuesday, August 20, 2013

16 weeks and a surprise!

I had an ultrasound last week. When we went in the tech was making small talk with us. "Do you have other kids at home? Do you work?" She also was telling us about a wreck she had been in and then casually asked if we were going to find out the gender. I told her I would have to because I am such a planner I have to have everything ready for the baby. I thought it was just a general question. NOPE! About 10 minutes in to the ultrasound she finished telling us about the kidneys and then came the words, "IT'S A GIRL!" I seriously almost fell off the table. I am such a planner and I was not planning on knowing the gender for four more weeks. We are so excited to venture in to the world of all things girl! I have already been shopping and bought our sweet girl some clothes. I must say, shopping for a little girl is much more exciting than for a boy. Mike has no idea what he is in for. Love his little heart. hahahaha!

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