Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Have you ever taken the time to stop and watch a sunset? I have watched several in my life and NONE compared to the one I shared this weekend with my husband, son and heavenly Father.
Life has been a whirlwind for us lately. Go, go, go, go, go! We forget to stop and rest until one of us (usually me) has a breakdown. I woke up sick Friday, probably my bodies way of saying..."hey, you, slow it down and rest"! So that's just what I did. A day on the couch, RESTING! I felt much better Saturday so when Mike came home around 3 we decided to head out to Pinellas (mainly to pick up an elyptical machine we found). When we left the ladies house it was nearing sunset and, on a whim, we decided to shoot over to the beach. WHAT A PERFECTLY TIMED OPPORTUNITY. Isaiah was amazing. He loved the water, the waves and didn't even mind the sand. He is DEFINITELY our child (beach bums for life). I sat and tried to watch the sunset through my son's eyes. As if I was seeing it for the first time. MAGICAL!

This is my FAVORITE picture from the day. It truly captured the moment for me. It brings peace and joy to my heart!

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