Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Working on me with Him!

I blogged a little last week about a rush of things I had going through my mind that morning. I have been going back to that post to try and find where I was really going with it, or more so, where the Spirit was leading me with it. I am reading some really great books right now and it's funny how they all start to wind together and give direction. I am choosing to live life on purpose and with intention. I am choosing to ask the Holy Spirit into my life so that believers, non-believers and the unchurched see God's love and work through me. This is going to be a process because let's just face it.....I'M A MESS!
I have decided I am going to have start with lots of prayer and take it one step at a time. I am the queen of rushing in to things and wanting a plan "right now". Sometimes we have to be still in His presence, know that He is God and WAIT! That was my prayer and focus last week. To just be still and know! Sometimes when I read the Bible the stories seem so short that I never really took the time to realize how many years passed in, what seemed like, a short story. For example, I always felt like the story of Abraham in Genesis was just a quick glance at his life. Then someone helped me put the rather quick read into a time line. One thing I noticed is how much God made Abraham wait. God called Abram to leave his country and his family all the while promising a son to him and Sarai (who was by all means too old to bare children). Abram listened and left his land to go where God sent him, but once he got there God was silent for ten years. Ten years?! I would go crazy. Remember I am the queen of right now! How hard that must of have been. That's just one example but I would encourage you next time you read to really pay attention to time.
This week I want to focus on being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. I am pretty much the opposite of this and it's not one of my finer qualities. I am so opinionated and I really need to learn to sit back and take it all in, PRAY ABOUT IT, and then respond. It's not just with things that effect me, I'm the same way when it comes to giving friends advice. (guess i'm not such a great friend after all) I want to bear witness to others and let the Spirit speak through me so I really need to practice some self control or let Him take control. Mark 13:11 ..."don't worry about what you will say. When the time comes, say what's on your heart-the Holy Spirit will make his witness in and through you". The key part of that verse for me is WHEN THE TIME COMES! I need to wait for His time. Die to myself so that He can show me His desires for me.

prayer for the week: Lord I just pray that you fill me with the Holy Spirit so that others see your love through me. Help me to be a better listener and give advice that is directed by You.
motto: be on purpose! be intentional!
what i'm really enjoying: "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan, early morning chats with Jen, spending time with Isaiah and Jason, doing life on purpose with the groupies, having my besty loon Karen back home!

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